by Catherine E. Park [from her red covered Five Year Diary] | |
Sept. 1, 1946 | Warren flu! |
Sept. 3 | Warren's first troublesome cold. |
Sept. 11 | Warren in high chair for 3rd & most successful time. |
Sept. 20 | Warren's 5 month picture, rolls over from back lying position, 1st time. |
Sept. 21 | Warren weighed 19 lb. 5 oz. |
Sept. 28 | Warren thumps mouth with rt. fist for pastime. |
Oct. 8 | Warren's 1st leather boots & new brown corduroy suit. Warren drank from glass. |
Oct. 20 | Warren 6 mos., 20 lb. 15 oz. |
Oct. 21 | Warren sick - too much prune juice. |
Oct. 22 | Warren better. | Nov. 11 | Betty bathes Warren. Warren holds glass. |
Nov. 27 | Warren tilts head, squints, grins affectedly, says di-da. |
Dec. 7 | Warren vocalizing & pounding mouth. Warren's 1st tooth. |
Dec. 8 | Warren unable to be in baptismal service. Ear syringing. |
Dec. 20 | Warren's 2nd tooth. |
Dec. 24 | Warren - 3rd tooth on or about this date. |
Dec. 27 | Warren pulls himself up to sitting posture in stroller, pulls nipple off bottle, flooding stroller bed. |
Jan. 1947 | Warren sits up well, rolls on tummy so much when lying that it's easier to dress him standing up or sitting on my lap. |
Jan. 1 | Warren's 4th tooth. |
Jan. 6 | Warren's 5th tooth. |
Jan. 13 | Warren's last bottle. |
Jan. 14 | Warren's 6th tooth? |
Jan. 15 | Warren objects to milk from glass. |
Jan. 15 | Warren stands by crib side. |
Jan. 21 | Warren stiffens, refusing to sit when he wants to stand. |
Jan. 24 | Warren vomiting. |
Jan. 27 | Warren coughing, no appetite. |
Jan. 28 | Warren crying & restless all day. |
Jan. 29 | Warren pneumonia, better at night. |
Jan. 30 | Warren fair, poorly in p.m. Drinks thin orange syrup only. |
Jan. 31 | Warren cheerful except when tired of coughing. |
Jan.-Feb. | Warren grinding teeth, imitating syringe's sound, patting, batting, leaning forehead on me, dragging himself along floor by leaning over right forearm, knees helping, tongue click, tongue out, smacking on lower lip, samples everything by mouth, crawls after toy, pushes things over edge of tub-table, shakes or bangs toys for noise. |
Feb. 1 | Last of 4-day sulfa drug course for Warren. |
Feb. 2 | Warren eats a little junket. |
Feb. 3 | Warren burns hand, seems worse, routine in full again, includes steaming now. Warren drinks milk. |
Feb. 8 | Pneumonia gone! |
Feb. 9 | Warren on whole milk. |
Feb. 12 | Warren in swing again. Warren sucks lower lip, da, mum, nun are favourite syllables, shows off, pivots on stomach, bounces on feet, up on knees in crib, etc. |
Feb. 13 | Warren leans forehead against one, smacks lower lip, imitates sound of syringe. |
Feb. 14 | Warren's 1st "sit-up" outing, box on sleigh. |
Feb. 16 | Warren baptized in C.C. |
Feb. 28 | Warren diphtheria & wh. cough toxoid, 1st dose. |
March 16 | Warren plays with cupboard contents, nearly knocks ironing board on himself. |
March 18 | Warren stands in crib, pulling himself up. Warren pulls knees under sometimes while creeping. |
March 21 | Toxoid, 2nd dose, wh. cough & diphtheria combined. |
March 24 | Warren staying awake all morning now. Warren pivots about while sitting in tub, sucks washcloth. |
March 27 | Warren walks behind slow-moving stroller, Robert in control. |
March 28 | Warren peek-a-boo in high chair with Wilford, bib before face. |
March 29 | Often on knees while holding edge of low obj., e.g. stair step. |
April 1 | Warren stands in stroller. |
April 10 | Warren "swimming" well. |
April 19 | Warren tries to fasten snap hook. |
April 21 | Warren feeds himself orange. |
April 22 | Warren creeps 2 "steps" on knees. |
April 29 | Warren falls from overtipped stroller. |
April 30 | Warren creeps. |
May | Sometime in May Warren pushing & pulling stroller, stands with slight support. |
May 3 | Warren blows whistle. |
May 24 | Warren in pen outdoors. |
June 7 | Warren's 7th tooth, claps hands to copy Jim. |
July 19 | Warren 9 steps. Soaked his sore foot. |
July 20 | Sunned Warren's sore foot. |
July 21 | Warren practising hard at walking. Scab off foot but sore healing. |
Aug. 2 | Warren to Dr. Gerhard's, put on penicillin. |
Aug. 3 | Warren's temp. 103°+ at 8:30 p.m. |
Aug. 4 | Warren much better. |
Aug. 5 | Warren capers till nearly 12:30 a.m. on train & at Carleton Place station during wait. Home around 3:00 a.m. |
Aug. 12 | Warren steps into clothes. |
Oct. | Warren dancing, climbing stairs standing, "swimming" in bathtub, singing to himself, practising "steps", closing doors. |
Oct. 1 | Warren chicken pox. |
Oct. 23 | Warren locked bathroom door. |
Oct. 24 | Warren sick after whooping cough & diphtheria injection. |
Feb. 22, 1949 | Warren & Gene penicillin. |
Aug. 16 | Warren & Gene awol to past ice house, spotted by truck driver Seymour. |