Writing by Mischa Park-Doob at the University of Chicago


Study Abroad

Travel Recollections & Photos


Critical Essays and Research Papers

Graduate work:

Debunking 'discourse topic': Ideational momentum and the unpredictable trajectory of conversation (BLS 28)

Deconstructing 'Topic': Relevance, consciousness, and the momentum of ideas (Master's Thesis)

Is speech-gesture production ballistic or interactive?
by Nobuhiro Furuyama, David McNeill, and Mischa Park-Doob

College 4th year:

The Standard of Ur: Observations on Common Motifs

Two Spaces on the Fringe of the Architectural center in 'A Month in the Country'

College 1st year:

The Psychology of Achilles


Chinese and Japanese writing practice

Typical assignment: exercises and an essay (on freedom of the press in the U.S.)

"Yamada-san's Date" (fiction)

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