To a Little Brown Bat        

You flew by me a bit ago
As the falling night
Left only the TV screen
To light my living room.
You disappeared into the dark house
And I thought I would have to wait
For daylight to find you again.
But here you are
In the little bathroom with me
Swooping about so close to my head
That the sound of your fluttering wings
Reaches my delighted ear.

Now you stop to cling a moment
To the rough white wallpaper.
Hold there a second
And I have you covered
With a soft black towel.
I feel your life
Quivering in my hand
As I carry you out my screen door.
I ease my cautious grip
And instantly you are off
Back into your familiar night sky.

Since that first mammal
Mother Nature's evolutionary experiments
Have taken the two of us
Down very different paths.
Who is to say which is the better?
We can build houses
And you can fly.

  Robert Watson Park
Aug. 6, 2009

To collected poetry