What difference can a mop of yellow hair make?
This small terrier with bangs over the eyes,
Arisen from the dark alley years ago,
This flash of light has brought
Some zip to our world.
Those short legs, now grown old and stiff
Were once the fastest in Powderhorn Park.
Scores of squirrels have been terrorized
By this mile-a-minute cloud
Racing across the landscape just above the grass.
Now slowed by the years,
The chase instinct only occasionally rises to the surface.
These days it’s ‘stop at every tree to sniff.’
‘Investigate each rock for secret scents.’
A walk takes a long time now.
But they are peaceful times
Together with such a long history binding us,
Autumn reds and yellows rustling between us.
But each passing day numbers the approaching end.
There are limits and changes in everything.
What difference can this friend make?
The difference between dark and light --
You have brought in some sunshine
Without even trying.

Warren Park