Christopher Douglas Park

Christopher Douglas Park
Born 9/6/95 in Concord California
The oldest of Donavon and Shellie Park

Graduated from Joe Henderson Elementary School, Kindergarten in 2001.
He will start First Grade in September of this year.

Christopher keeps busy with T-Ball, swim lessons, and playing with his younger brother. They have had many grand adventures playing in the back yard as super heroes. Christopher's favorites are Peter Pan, Superman, Batman, and Tarzan.
In T-Ball, Christopher has greatly improved his catching and throwing. In swimming, he has made it to level three and is very proud of this accomplishment.
He has worked very hard this Year on learning to spell, read, and do math thanks to his mothers insistence. He is also working on riding his bike without training wheels, and is doing very well. Christopher also likes to sing and has a wonderful memory for lyrics. He also shows an interest in history, working with work shop tools, and drawing.